Race Discounts
Destination Sunday Run and Walk
Click here for details!!
MetaTouch Body and Balance
As athletes our bodies have a propensity to get out of wack or balance over a period of time. When that happens it degrades our perfomance. MetaTouch is extending a special offer to our Club members. Head over to the perks and discount page to get meore detail!
Members click here
Special Perks for Members Only!
We are excited to announce our club partnership with the nutrition company UCAN. They just took their award-winning Energy Gel and made it even better! Introducing the new Pineapple Edge. This summer-inspired flavor tastes like vacation while delivering superior fuel to put in the work. UCAN brand ambassadors say it's the perfect blend of tangy + sweet, mild in a great way, and something that when your hours into an event, will be nice and light on the pallet.
Grab yourself a box of this refreshing new flavor using the team discount link for 15% off your purchase!
P.S. Did you know every UCAN purchase you make through the team link directly supports the team?! UCAN provides us a 15% commission to help support the team with every purchase we make through our special team link.
Shop through our special team link here: MEMBERS ONLY
If you shop at the Santa Monica store, you will receive double rewards but you must show the special LARC barcode when shopping. The store clerk will not know our special. This barcode is only available to our active members on our website. Members Only
New feature on our site
Now we have added a donation button for those who would like to help support the Run Club in that way.
Donation Link: click here
Proud Member of RRCA

Los Angeles Running Club is a proud member of the RRCA
LARC/Conqur Endurance Group Affiliation

LARR/LARC Affiliation
The LA Road Runners training season for the LA Marathon kicked off at the totem pole on Saturday, September 14th!
Because the LA Running Club is now an affiliate club in partnership with Conqur Endurance Group for the 2019-2020 training season, as a current member of the LA Running Club, you can train with LARR through LARC and receive Corral E on marathon day and enjoy the benefits of training with LARR pace leaders.
Conqur seeks to strengthen the greater Los Angeles running community by partnering with clubs around the LA area, providing new training tools and activation opportunities focused around Conqur events.
In addition to six large scale meet-up training runs, affiliate clubs will host live and virtual championship events utilizing the Zwift platform. Two meet-up training runs will be held at Dodger Stadium.
LARC will also have a cheer tent on marathon day along the marathon course.
If you are interested and haven’t yet signed up or renewed your membership in The LA Running Club, you may do so in person at the totem pole or on track night, or by clicking this link: Join LARC
In addition, LARC will get entries into the LA Marathon that we will raffle off over the next couple of months to members only. You must be present to win.
We will continue to provide tent support and gels, Gatorade, water and snacks to our athletes. We will keep out a donations jar and will appreciate your generosity.
We are excited for this opportunity but want to make sure everyone understands that the following are NOT included in the LARC/LARR affiliation:
1. Exclusive LARR discounts
2. Zwift Foot Pod
3. LARR training shirt
4. Access to the locker room at the Pasadena Half Marathon
5. Access to the Loge Level at Dodger Stadium on Marathon day
6. Corral B
Those benefits are available only by registering with the LA Road Runners